The Sanford Lions Club members honored their veterans and all veterans of U.S. Armed Forces at its regular weekly meeting Thursday, Nov. 12, one day following the national Veterans Day observance. Tail twister Bob Nelson, himself a U.S. Navy veteran, called out the different branches of service and asked veterans of each to stand for a round of applause.
Nelson then went around the Lion’s Den sharing his microphone with many fellow Lions who briefly described their military experiences ranging from World War II, Korea, Vietnam and other conflicts. Russel Mann then read to the group “A Soldier’s Prayer” and Cliff Pepper led in the singing of “God Bless America.”
Roy Jernigan urged members to continue working on the Camp Dogwood ticket sales project. Every year Lions sell chances to win a new car or truck given away at the spring state convention. Proceeds support the upkeep of Camp Dogwood on Lake Norman north of Charlotte where every year hundreds of blind and sight impaired citizens enjoy camp experiences free of charge. Tickets are only one dollar and the public is asked to support this worthwhile cause when called upon by a Lion.
Guest speaker for the evening was Lee County Director of Emergency Services Shane Seagroves. He was introduced by program chairman Tom Douglas.
Seagroves heads a six-member staff in charge of all emergency preparedness programs in Lee County as well as coordinating all emergency services which covers some 700 emergency responders throughout Sanford and Lee County. He stressed that changing times have created many more threats to public safety than existed years ago.
Threats of terrorism, from both foreign and domestic sources, now are a very real part of daily life in local communities. Seagroves said, for example, that his office responded to live bomb threats four times in the past three months. Many such acts are not publicized, but they occur. Local emergency services whether it be Sheriff’s Department, police, firemen, rescue, hazardous material personnel or bomb experts stand ready around the clock to respond to any emergency. This also includes natural disasters such as storms and earthquakes.
President Richard Hendley presided and Wendell McGee delivered the invocation. Bill Schubert led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.