Monday, March 9, 2009

Lions Plan Busy Spring

The Sanford Lions Club is gearing up for an active spring season with several exciting community events planned. And, of course, planning is already underway for the club’s biggest attraction—the Lee Regional Fair set for Sept. 15-20. Lions will be working hard to solicit the support of all area citizens for these projects that help fund the many charitable projects of the club.

The second annual Lee Regional Flea Market will open each Saturday morning at the Lions Fairgrounds starting on April 4 through July 25. Market hours are 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. and anyone interested in booth space can contact any Lion. The application form is also available on-line at

The Third Annual Lions Golf Tournament at Quail Ridge Golf Course is set for Saturday, May 30, according to chairman Jim Romine. This has proven to be a fun day highlighted by outstanding prizes and gifts along with a delicious lunch for all those golfers looking for some friendly competition and fellowship. Tournament leaders are now recruiting golfers, hole sponsors, and support from the business community for prize donations.

Guest speaker for the March 5 meeting was Pete Wilberg who is an authority on a subject dear to many men—antique cars. He is known nationally for his lifelong passion of collecting and restoring classic automobiles. The New York native moved to Lee County in 2000 where he has been active in the Antique Automobile Club of America and taught a car restoration course at Central Carolina Community College. He spent over 30 years teaching math both on the high school and college levels in New York.

He has restored thousands of cars including many rare and expensive collector’s models. And there’s hardly a make or model that he doesn’t know intimately. He told many interesting stories relating to his acquisition of antique models all over the U.S. and Canada and how he turned them into collector items. His interests now are in American Motor Co. cars such as the Rambler. He drove a Rambler convertible to the meeting for display. He is the founder of the Rambler Club of America with over 12,000 members.

Lion Jay Moore was program chairman. President John Walden, Jr., presided while Roy Jernigan gave the invocation and Theron Womble led the Pledge of Allegiance. The club welcomed guest Larry Palmer who was introduced by Reginald Miller. Walden also made a special presentation to veteran Lion Tommy Mann, Sr. honoring him for completion of his 66th year in the Sanford Lions Club. The club gave him a rousing standing ovation.

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